Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Brown V. Board of Education In Class Court Case

During this in-class moot Court Case, I was able to learn new information about the Brown V. Board of Education Supreme Court Case and find out why this Court Case was so important in American history. Both sides for this class presentation, presented very important key points and made very valid points while presenting their side of the argument. Ultimately, Brown ended up winning the Supreme Court Case and there were many reasons why.

One reason that Brown ended up winning the Supreme Court case was because of the Civil Rights Act of 1875. The Civil Rights Act of 1875 said that by law there is no discrimination in public accommodations. The side of Brown fought that schools should be open to all citizens regardless of sex/race because public accommodations should be open to all american citizens. That was one key factor that helped them win this Supreme Court Case. Another main argument that helped Brown win this court case was the equal protections clause of the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment insures that African Americans are American citizens and that the state is required to treat them in the same state with the same manor as white Americans. These two arguments are what helped the side of Brown win the Supreme Court case.

Although Brown did win the famous Supreme Court Case, the side of the Board of Education presented very good arguments. One argument in particular that I thought was very well presented was the idea that black people will be put into more harm if they are allowed to go to integrated schools with white citizens. African Americans have already suffered lynchings, so integrating black children will only put them at more of a risk. Although I do not agree with this argument, I believe that at the time I could see how the Supreme Court could have sided with this idea. Another important argument that the Board of Education made during this court case was that integrating the schools would hurt African Americans education levels because they are already so behind on the levels of education. The Board of Education said that African Americans have not been educated like the white Americans have, so integrating the schools will only put them more behind. In order to provide African Americans with equal opportunities, the Board of Education believed that keeping them in a school that was composed of mostly African Americans would keep them at an equal educational level.

Both sides of the famous Supreme court case made very valid points in their arguments but ultimately the supreme court ended up ruling with the side of Brown rather than the Board of Education. The reason for this is because the Board of Education made more of a legal argument rather than an emotional argument. This helped them win the Supreme Court Case because the Supreme Court had to make a decision based off of law rather than based off of emotions. 

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