Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Inclusive Bathrooms

Recently, it has become a heated debate discussing the idea of what bathrooms Transgenders are allowed to use. Many people believe that transgenders should be required to use the bathroom that appears on their birth certificate, while others believe that they should be able to use the bathroom of their new gender. This topic has become a very heated debate especially in the state of North Carolina.

North Carolina has recently passed a law stating that transgenders must use the bathroom that appears on their birth certificate opposed to their new gender. North Carolina's legislature believed that this law would help to protect discrimination against gay and transgenders but many people argued that this could potentially lead to an increase in sexual assault because men could dress up as women and enter designated bathrooms for women. There has been absolutely no proof that allowing transgenders to use the bathrooms that they desire will increase the rate of sexual assault.

One thing that appears very interesting to me is why people believe that allowing transgenders to use their desired bathroom would increase the rate of sexual assault. I personally believe that sexual assault will unfortunately happen regardless of the new laws that have been made. I think that providing co-ed bathroom options would be easier for transgenders because then their is no discrimination and no one will be questioning them. This topic continues to remain a heated debate because the LGBT society is continuing to fight for their rights.

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