Thursday, April 7, 2016

FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education)

On Wednesday April 6th, 2016, I attended a presentation that educated students all about their First Amendment rights and also discussed Individual Rights in Education. The speech was hosted by Greg Lukianoff, who is the President and CEO for FIRE, an organization aimed at increasing the civil liberties of college students on their campuses. I found this presentation to be fascinating because I had never realized how many college campuses try to hinder the First Amendment rights of their students.

Mr. Lukianoff discussed many interesting topics and went into great detail when explaining events that occurred on different college campuses. One case that stuck out to me in particular was a real life event that happened at Florida Atlantic University. In this particular instance, Florida Atlantic University's newspaper was trashed after one article discussed an alleged sexual assault at a party. After the article was printed and published in the Universities local newspaper, about 1000 copies were thrown away because student's didn't want the Fraternity that hosted the party to get into any trouble. Students were more outraged by the idea that one of their favorite Frat houses could be kicked off campus rather than a girl accusing the Frat of sexually assaulting her. After the newspapers were found in dozens of trash cans around campus, the staff of the University Press filed a police report in order restock the empty newspaper bins. It has not been decided yet whether or not the University Press will be reimbursed.

What amazes me about this topic, is that the campus drew more attention to the Court Case by throwing out the newspapers and committing a crime and they don't even know it. Many times, college students forget that they have constitutional rights and it is important for the students to fight for them. This presentation made me more aware of the First Amendment rights that I am guaranteed and how many people are so uneducated about the topic.


  1. I also thought his presentation was very interesting. I like how you looked into one of the cases he talked about. This case in particular is very interesting.

  2. This is a really well written article. The picture and the link are both really nice too. It is also really easy to read and your words flow very nicely.

  3. This speaker sounded really interesting, along with the specific case you sited. It's kind of funny, but also disappointing, what kids will do to continue to keep partying.
